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Salvation Only Through
Jesus Christ

Psalm 145:18

"The Lord is close to all who call on him in truth."


If you do not yet have a relationship with Jesus there are a few things he ask of us to do first. We need to understand our need for a savior.


1) First you need to acknowledge your prideful nature. Pride of oneself is a sin to a Holy God. Believing you can do everything yourself makes you your own god in your own eyes. We are incapable of being 100% good. We will always stumble and fall when we think we can depend on our own power. We make really bad choices which we regret because we follow our own selfish desires. It always feels like a never ending hamster wheel ride! It is exhausting!


We need to first recognize our own selfish pride in our lives and admit to God we have failed him, and rebelled against him. We need to truly see this and then ask for forgiveness. We need to be generally sorry for our rebellion.


2) We need to recognize God has made a way for us to be forgiven and receive this provision through his son Jesus Christ.


Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. 


God tells us in Romans that our penalty, our wages for sinning against him is death and permanent separation from Him.This is why the whole human race dies. It is our payment or wages for our sin of rebellion against God.


3) When we surrender to God with a sorrowful heart, God will hear your cry. We need to come to God with a Contrite heart or spirit which means when you feel sorry and broken and you no longer want to run after the things you want. A broken heart says I will no longer do this my way or on my terms but I will surrender everything to Jesus because he is God and I have rebelled against him in my own pride.


Romans 10:13

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


4) Believe and trust in the name of Jesus and he promises to give you eternal life and his Holy Spirit as his promise that he will never leave you. With His Spirit now in you, you will begin to see the miracle only he can give you, a transformed heart. Begin reading his word daily and find a strong bible believing church that will support you.


You will find your heart changing! Your desires will change too. You will be thirsting for his righteousness. Your prideful heart will start to melt away. The negative impulses that use to drive you will seem to get weaker and weaker. You will experience a joy inside you that can not be put into words! The wages for your sin have been wiped clean because by excepting Jesus as your Lord and savior, he took your punishment on that cross. He paid your debt of death and separation from God. Now through Jesus' defeat of death by raising from the dead, you too will live forever with God.


5) If you have made a decision to give your life to Jesus and follow him, please send us an email. We would love to send you a gospel of John. The gospel of John is known as God's love letter to the world. It is the 4th gospel in the New Testament.



Pine Valley Church

Acts 4:12 "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved"

Pine Valley Church
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